WEICON solutions for

The repair, maintenance and servicing of machines and systems are an important aspect of operational processes. Regular maintenance and servicing is the only way to ensure that machines run reliably and that production runs smoothly.

WEICON offers a whole range of products for maintenance and repair work. The adhesives and sprays are an effective helper in the maintenance of machines. They also simplify the maintenance and repair of defective systems.

More information is available in our Maintenance brochure

Click here to see the sector flyer

Detect leaks and save costs

Dye penetrant testing

Repairing damaged pipes and pipelines

Touch-up work and repairs

Repair of cable breakage

Repair of conveyor belt

Repair of the outer cylinder of a pelleting press


Securing screws

Maintenance of chemical plants

Detect leaks and save costs

with WEICON Leak Detection Sprays

Compressed air and gas pipelines should be checked for leaks and tightness at regular intervals. Escaping gas is a high safety risk, and escaping compressed air means high energy costs. WEICON Leak Detection Sprays help to check gas and compressed air lines and detect leaks, which can save a lot of energy. This not only contributes to sustainable operational processes, but also helps to reduce costs and improve the ecological footprint.

The WEICON Leak Detection Spray Frost-Proof is perfect for use in refrigerated warehouses, air conditioning systems, climate zones with cold weather conditions, industrial refrigeration systems and wherever traditional leak detection agents may lose their efficiency due to the temperatures. The viscous formulation of the spray ensures strong adhesion and prevents immediate dripping, which is especially convenient on vertical surfaces.

Thanks to the rapid detection of leaks in air conditioning systems or similar systems, the leak detectors help to save a considerable amount of coolant.

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Spray Detector de Fugas
localizar grietas y fugas en tuberías de presión
11,50 €* (IVA incluido)

(28,75 €* / 1 L)

Spray Detector de Fugas «viscoso»
localizar grietas y fugas en tuberías de gas
15,13 €* (IVA incluido)

(37,83 €* / 1 L)

Spray Detector de Fugas «a prueba de heladas»
localizar grietas y fugas en sistemas de refrigeración y aire acondicionado
15,63 €* (IVA incluido)

(39,08 €* / 1 L)

Detector de Fugas
para localizar grietas en líneas de presión
58,58 €* (IVA incluido)

(11,72 €* / 1 L)

Spray Detector de Fugas «viscoso»
para localizar grietas en líneas de presión
91,48 €* (IVA incluido)

(18,30 €* / 1 L)

Spray Detector de Fugas «a prueba de heladas»
para localizar grietas en líneas de presión hasta -15 °C
119,43 €* (IVA incluido)

(23,89 €* / 1 L)



Dye penetrant testing

with WEICON Crack Testing Agent

As part of regular maintenance, some materials must be subjected to non-destructive material testing. This includes, for example, the forks of a forklift truck or other metal parts that are exposed to high loads. The inspection of microcracks also plays a decisive role in quality assurance during the production process in systems engineering. When servicing trailers, a thorough check of the bracket for cracks enables a reliable and safe repair.

These maintenance measures serve to enhance operational processes and to maximise occupational health and safety. Dye penetrant testing is an established material testing method for detecting and eliminating cracks and small leaks at an early stage. WEICON Crack Testing Agent is a test system made up of three special sprays with which the dye penetrant method can be carried out simply and easily.

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Crack Testing Agent Set
Juego de 3 piezas que incluye limpiador, penetrante y revelador
67,47 €* (IVA incluido)

(67,47 €* / 1 Set)

Detector de Grietas Limpiador
limpiador para ensayos de materiales no destructivos
17,34 €* (IVA incluido)

(34,68 €* / 1 L)

Detector de Grietas Penetrante
penetrante de colorante para ensayos no destructivos en materiales
24,96 €* (IVA incluido)

(49,92 €* / 1 L)

Detector de Grietas Revelador
revelador para ensayos de materiales no destructivos
24,96 €* (IVA incluido)

(49,92 €* / 1 L)



Repairing damaged pipes and pipelines

with WEICON Pipe Repair-Kit

Damaged water pipes need to be repaired as fast as possible. The WEICON Pipe Repair-Kit provides an easy solution for such emergency repairs, for which no special tools are required. The Pipe Repair-Kit can be used to repair and seal leaks in pipes and pipelines extremely fast in order to minimise downtimes. The set includes a Repair Tape, the Repair Stick Multi-Purpose and a pair of gloves to be worn during application.

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Pipe Repair-Kit
para reparaciones urgentes de tuberías y conductos dañados
26,68 €* (IVA incluido)

(17,79 €* / 1 m x 5 cm)

Pipe Repair-Kit
para reparaciones urgentes de tuberías y conductos dañados
31,13 €* (IVA incluido)

(8,89 €* / 1 m x 5 cm)

Pipe Repair-Kit
para reparaciones urgentes de tuberías y conductos dañados
44,35 €* (IVA incluido)

(12,67 €* / 1 m x 10 cm)

Pipe Repair-Kit
para reparaciones urgentes de tuberías y conductos dañados
26,68 €* (IVA incluido)

(17,79 €* / 1 m x 5 cm)

Pipe Repair-Kit
para reparaciones urgentes de tuberías y conductos dañados
31,13 €* (IVA incluido)

(8,89 €* / 1 m x 5 cm)

Pipe Repair-Kit
para reparaciones urgentes de tuberías y conductos dañados
44,35 €* (IVA incluido)

(12,67 €* / 1 m x 10 cm)

Cinta de Reparación
cinta de reparación duradera y autoadhesiva, tamaño M
25,16 €* (IVA incluido)

(16,77 €* / 1 m x 5 cm)

Cinta de Reparación
cinta de reparación duradera y autoadhesiva, tamaño M
29,61 €* (IVA incluido)

(8,46 €* / 1 m x 5 cm)

Cinta de Reparación
cinta de reparación duradera y autoadhesiva, tamaño M
42,82 €* (IVA incluido)

(12,23 €* / 1 m x 10 cm)

Cinta de Reparación
cinta de reparación duradera y autoadhesiva, tamaño M
25,16 €* (IVA incluido)

(16,77 €* / 1 m x 5 cm)

Cinta de Reparación
cinta de reparación duradera y autoadhesiva, tamaño M
29,61 €* (IVA incluido)

(8,46 €* / 1 m x 5 cm)

Cinta de Reparación
cinta de reparación duradera y autoadhesiva, tamaño M
42,82 €* (IVA incluido)

(12,23 €* / 1 m x 10 cm)



Touch-up work and repairs

with WEICON Repair Sticks

WEICON Repair Sticks are the perfect helpers for maintenance work, repairing machines and maintaining operational facilities. The 2-component epoxy resin systems act as a repair putty. They are versatile and can be used to repair damage, seal leaks, repair torn parts and fill cracks and scratches on surfaces. Regardless of whether the surfaces are made of metal, plastic or wood. Here you can see an application example showing the sealing of a pipe and thread.

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Masilla Reparadora Hormigón
masilla de reparación, de curado rápido
13,66 €* (IVA incluido)

(23,96 €* / 100 g)

Masilla Reparadora Cobre
masilla de reparación con aprobación de agua potable
13,66 €* (IVA incluido)

(23,96 €* / 100 g)

Masilla Reparadora Aqua
masilla de reparación para aplicación subacuática
13,66 €* (IVA incluido)

(23,96 €* / 100 g)

Masilla Reparadora Multi-Purpose
masilla de reparación no corrosiva con aprobación de agua potable
19,51 €* (IVA incluido)

(34,23 €* / 100 g)

Masilla Reparadora Titanio
masilla de reparación, resistente a altas temperaturas
19,51 €* (IVA incluido)

(34,23 €* / 100 g)

Masilla Reparadora Plástico
masilla de reparación homologada para agua potable
13,66 €* (IVA incluido)

(23,96 €* / 100 g)

Masilla Reparadora Aluminio
masilla de reparación, resistente a la oxidación
13,66 €* (IVA incluido)

(23,96 €* / 100 g)

Masilla Reparadora Acero
masilla de reparación con aprobación de agua potable
13,66 €* (IVA incluido)

(23,96 €* / 100 g)

Masilla Reparadora Madera
masilla de reparación, elasticidad residual
24,96 €* (IVA incluido)

(44,57 €* / 100 g)



Repair of cable breakage

with WEICON TOOLS Duo Crimp No. 300

Permanent physical strain on a cable or excessive bending, regardless of the area, often lead to cable breakage. Repairing cable breaks is easy with the WEICON Duo Crimp No. 300. The versatile stripping tool enables not only precise stripping of damaged cables, but also secure crimping for a reliable connection. The ergonomic and robust design make this multifunctional tool, which is 100 % made in Germany, an indispensable companion in electrical installations and when working on cables.

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Pelador y Engastador No. 300
para pelar y engarzar, rango de trabajo 0,5 mm² - 6,0 mm²
70,13 €* (IVA incluido)

(70,13 €* / 1 PCE)



Repair of conveyor belt

with WEICON Belt Repair-Kit (SF)

Long downtimes due to damage or the purchase of new conveyor belts cost a lot of money. The WEICON Belt Repair-Kit enables the rapid and cost-efficient repair of damaged conveyor belts in various industrial sectors such as agriculture, airports, (coal-fired) power stations, mining (gravel plant), shipping (cargo handling) and in many more areas. Fast repairs minimise downtimes and improve the continuity of production processes. The repaired areas are protected against wear long-term, as the repair compound is resistant to abrasive influences, chemicals and environmental factors.

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Kit Reparador de Correas SF
fast curing polyurea repair and coating compound for rubber surfaces, work pack
233,52 €* (IVA incluido)

(395,80 €* / 1 kg)

Kit Reparador de Correas
compuesto de reparación y revestimiento de poliurea para superficies de goma, paquete de trabajo
233,52 €* (IVA incluido)

(395,80 €* / 1 kg)



Repair of the outer cylinder of a pelleting press

with WEICON WR2 und WEICON Ceramic BL

The repair of the cylinder of a pelleting press using a combination of WEICON WR2 and WEICON Ceramic BL offers numerous advantages. WEICON WR2 enables a fast and effective repair. WEICON Ceramic BL offers additional protection against wear and a visual control layer that allows the user to quickly recognise when a new layer needs to be applied. The joint application ensures high mechanical strength in heavily stressed areas and extends the service life through increased abrasion resistance. This cost-effective solution not only avoids the need for expensive machine parts, but also ensures reliable restoration and long-term wear protection in various industrial applications. Both products are equally suitable for repairs to conveyor systems, guide rails, slideways and all metal surfaces.

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sistema de resina epoxi con relleno mineral para reparaciones y compensación de huecos
60,35 €* (IVA incluido)

(120,70 €* / 1 kg)

WEICON Cerámica BL
sistema de resina epoxi con relleno mineral para una protección extrema contra el desgaste y una alta resistencia a la abrasión
127,44 €* (IVA incluido)

(254,88 €* / 1 kg)




with WEICON Thread Sealing Cord DF 175

Threads that are not tight can cause leaks and thus lead to material loss, environmental issues and safety risks. They impair the efficiency of systems, increase operating costs and sometimes require costly repairs. Regular inspection and timely sealing of threads are therefore essential. The subsequent sealing of threads on pipes, compressed air connections, water meters, heaters and many other parts can be carried out effectively and easily with the WEICON Thread Sealing Cord DF 175. The thread sealing cord is approved for food contact applications, is made of 100 % PTFE and is ideal for flexible applications owing to its reversibility. It seals almost all metal and plastic threads.

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WEICON Hilo Sellador DF 175
junta sólida
28,01 €* (IVA incluido)

(0,16 €* / 1 m)



Securing screws

with WEICONLOCK® AN 302-72 Locking of Threads and Stud Bolts

Securing screws offers a number of advantages. It prevents loosening due to vibrations and increases the stability and reliability of connections. This reduces downtimes, improves safety and prevents premature wear. WEICONLOCK® AN 302-72 Locking of Threads and Stud Bolts is a high viscosity and high strength threadlocker. It has drinking water approval, is resistant to high temperatures and is difficult to dismantle. It is therefore ideal for demanding industrial threads and replaces the spring washer and other mechanical fastening methods.

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WEICONLOCK® AN 302-72 Fijación de Tornillos y Espárragos
alta resistencia, mayor viscosidad, con aprobación de agua potable
23,89 €* (IVA incluido)

(119,45 €* / 100 ml)

Punta de dosificación
para la aplicación de WEICONLOCK®.
2,09 €* (IVA incluido)

(2,09 €* / 1 PCE)



Maintenance of chemical plants

with WEICON HC 220

The maintenance of chemical plants is inevitable. Aggressive and abrasive chemicals cause wear to the steel of chemical plants, in this case for example on a hopper. Regular inspections, preventive maintenance and fast repairs are crucial for stable operating processes, low downtimes and high productivity. The epoxy resin system WEICON Ceramic HC 220 is ideal for repair work on machinery and equipment, in apparatus engineering and in other areas of industry. It is characterised by high abrasion resistance and protects heavily used surfaces against wear. Thanks to its temperature resistance of up to +220 °C, its flowability, ceramic filling, chemical resistance and high adhesive strength, it can be used in a wide range of applications.

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WEICON Cerámica HC 220
sistema de resina epoxi rellena de cerámica resistente a las altas temperaturas para el revestimiento de protección contra el desgaste
130,10 €* (IVA incluido)

(260,20 €* / 1 kg)
